Wednesday, September 18, 2024

The fortunate eons


As opposed to the Happy Generations? This is an "all-knowing" Buddhist video of the Mahayana and Pure Land persuasions. 

So apparently the Buddha was originally known as Bodhisattva Prabhapala and assisted the previous buddha, Kashyapa. Then, he ascended to Tushita heaven, where he preached to the devas in the "inner court". The sojourn on Earth was his last mission, during which he attained buddhahood himself. The next buddha, Maitreya, won´t appear on Earth until 576 million years into the future.

Esoterically, however, the Buddha has always been enlightened and only pretended otherwise as a "skilfull mean", something we learn in the Lotus Sutra.

There is clearly *something* amiss here, since modern science paints a rather bleak picture of Earth 576 million years into the future. Think mass extinctions of most animals and plants, intense heat and radiation, less oxygen in the atmosphere, et cetera. Not sure who Maitreya is supposed to save? Some kind of futuristic pelagic fungi?

It seems the fortunate eons won´t last forever...

It´s all pagan, guys. Get over it!


"Where the heck is that reference
to Egyptian mummies?"

Richard Carrier´s latest contribution. Somewhat ironically, the discussion thread is (so far) more interesting than the blog post/essay itself. Extended quote of one of Carrier´s comments follows. Link to blog post further below!

>>>Buddhism is a kind of nature cult, in the way Taoism and Wicca and even Confucianism is (the latter focuses more on the “nature” of human society; Buddhism, on the “nature” of human conscious existence). It is therefore pre-built to accept and employ pre-cult and extra-cult discoveries, i.e. finding truths outside the religion is not a threat, since the religion is more like a science in that its goal is to find truths that already exist out there (threats can only come when external truths conflict with essential internal beliefs, which then depends on which sect of Buddhism we are talking about).

>>>However, Judeo-Christian-Islam-Mormonism (which is really just a bunch of sects of Judaism) is not a nature cult but a prophetic cult: it believes that a single royal deity has proclaimed all truths through inspired and thus authorized scriptures, and perhaps even (depending on sect) yet-continuing prophecy (e.g. Mormon Prophets are still a thing) or equivalent (e.g. the Pope is imagined to have a special line to God; and something akin is attributed to Protestant preachers “in the Holy Spirit”).

>>>That means any fact conflicting with prophecy/inspired authority is a problem. So, unlike Buddhism, which can claim a lost fact has always been a fact of nature waiting to be discovered, JCIM can’t say that, because God is supposed to have told them everything important, and he can’t have been wrong. He certainly can’t be a plagiarist. So, if the parable of Lazarus sounds suspiciously like a pagan Egyptian parable, that becomes a problem, because now Jesus is just creatively rewriting a merely human (and worse, demonic) story and passing it off as wisdom, which is hard to reconcile with a belief that he was The One and Only God whose wisdom is singular and unique and can’t have been invented by mere mortals, least of all demon-worshiping mortals.

>>>JCIM is thus far more susceptible to cognitive dissonance, and indeed becomes more and more so as the human knowledge-base increases—which is why science has posed such an obvious and corrosive effect on it, and thus why JCIM has had to divert so many resources to combatting or suppressing scientific knowledge or access to it.

>>>I also think this is why we are in an Age of Transition now from traditional religion (based on supernatural superstitions, e.g. a literal belief in demons) to political religion (a la Jordan Peterson).  As I wrote before:

>>>I can’t prove it. But I do suspect—metaphorically speaking—that these guys are the id of an overly-ignorant public too overconfident even to see their own ignorance, much less recognize it as a problem they need to solve. These guys’ fans and worshipers are essentially the secular replacement for their predecessors, the Creationists and Fundamentalists. The mindset, the epistemology, the moral and existential panic, the rationalizing, the persecution complex, the outrage at being questioned or criticized, is all exactly the same. These are literally the same people…or would have been. 

>>>Lately, ancient superstitions about devils and blood magic and angelic armies raining down from the sky have become an increasingly harder sell, so Creationism and Fundamentalism are declining. Those who would have been seduced by their cool-aide twenty years ago, are instead seduced by this new, more modern brew. This is where they went. And because it’s “secular,” atheists are being roped in by it, every bit as much as disaffected Christians are.

Baptism: It´s Pagan, Guys. Get Over It.

The island of Doctor Moreau


This will never happen and is probably just another scam to part rich people and governments with their money. But nice try! 

"Closer than people think": De-extinction 

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Old Saturn


Don´t tell the Anthroposophists...

Earth once wore a Saturn-like ring 

It´s still a tuatara, dude


Dude, moths and plants aren´t vertebrates. I mean, plants aren´t even Animalia. Still, it´s interesting to note that the tuatara is the fastest evolving vertebrate (chordate?) in terms of its genotype, while its physical appearence has apparently remained pretty much the same since time freakin´ immemorial. In other words: it still looks like a lizard, despite not being one!

Which animals are evolving faster?

God loves split gill mushrooms (and, I suppose, beetles) but hates the Iberian lynx. Or something.

What is the genetically most diverse species?

Don´t tell the creationists, I´m sure they can do *something* with this factoid...

The Moon might still have active volcanoes

Posted here for no good reason whatsoever...

OK Boomer


SVT Nyheter tror tydligen att de har "ägt" Richard Jomshof här. I själva verket är det en gigantisk "self-own". OK, Boomer!

Jomshofs bilder kommer från hinduisk sajt

Three churches without a name


I actually read about the Two-by-Twos years ago, probably in a rather voluminous book edited by J Gordon Melton. They are also known as "the Church without a Name". Somewhat ironically, there are actually *three* somewhat different churches without a name, since both original leaders of the movement left to form their own (somewhat similar) groups! 

The Two-by-Twos are surprisingly secretive even in the Internet age, and most information on the group apparently comes from ex-members (see also the mostly critical commentaries below the video clip). It seems they hardly have any Internet presence, and very little written material. Membership is unknown, but the group does seem to be international in scope. 

Theologically, there seem to be certain similarities with the Jehovah´s Witnesses, such as an "Arian" view of God and Christ, or the rejection of military service. There are two classes of members, the "workers" and the laity, with the former apparently having to be celibate and engaged in full-time preaching. One very distinctive doctrine is that nobody can be saved except through *hearing* the Two-by-Twos preach, so just reading the Bible isn´t enough!

In the commentary thread, many ex-members accuse the movement of being a cult. They certainly seem rather strange. 


Baptist Babel


I admit that I never heard of most Protestant groups mentioned on this YouTube channel, and I fancy myself as having a good "working knowledge" of essentially everything...

I mean, what is a "Progressive Primitive Baptist"? Or a - wait for it - Episcopalian Baptist? That´s such a concept. 

But sure, I´ve heard of the Southern Baptist Convention before. Of course! Also Independent Baptists (Henry Morris?) and Landmark Baptists (no idea why). The combo of Baptism and charismatic Christianity also sounds familar. Örebromissionen in Sweden? 

Will the real Baptists please stand up? 

Failed intercept


The Houthis have some new toys. Hypersonic missiles, to be exact. They targeted Israel with surprisingly advanced missiles before, but this seems to be the first time that the Iron Dome fails to intercept. 

Which in turn suggests that the US-British attack on North Yemen failed to stop the Iranian-backed breakaway republic from continuing its military build-up. 

But yes, the sources linked below are somewhat "tainted"...  

Missile from Yemen landed deep inside Israel

Douhet Wept

The church in Los Angeles


Not sure who needs to hear this, but clearly *somebody* does (LOL), since it seems most "non-denominational churches" in the United States are affiliated with *vast* networks comprising thousands of other words, denominations. 

Why would a church be less than forthcoming about its denominational identity? Do they try to sound "inclusive" or "independent"? Perhaps they want to be seen as preaching "mere Christianity". 

Or maybe they are afraid that their strongly sectarian messaging will be "misunderstood" somehow by babes in Christ. It´s tactically smarter to pretend being non-denominational. Some of the groups mentioned in the video are obviously distinct from all other Christian groups: Plymouth Brethren, Campbellites, the Local Churches...

Glad somebody sorts out the latest shenanigans of the Protestants.